Wow! Helemaal trots en onder de indruk om een yu korsou te zien met zo een visie, kennis en inzicht. Energiek en heel duidelijk te volgen. Super inspirerend. Jean-Pierre legt iets onbekends voor mij zo duidelijk uit. Ik heb er geen woorden voor! Helemaal wow!

Jean-Pierre has the experience, knowledge and skills to drive businesses and investments. He can educate, motivate and entertain you with compelling stories.

Great presentation…it was so valuable for my business. Thank you so much.

Ik had wat onduidelijkheden over hoe ik mijn zakelijke administratie moet doen en wat daarbij komt kijken. JP heeft me goed geadviseerd en mij super handige, simpele tips gegeven. Voor iedereen een aanrader voor advies, maar ook als leider en pusher. Thanks man!!

JP is een openhartig en enthousiast persoon. what you see is what you get…. need I say more…. zijn boeken zijn gebaseerd op ervaringen en studie en zeer toegankelijk om te lezen.

Jean-Pierre Doran, You are a true inspiration, motivation to me. Di Job pa Negoshi was a real eye opener to me. I t made me realize, that if I want to grow I need to overcome my fear. This session gave me a clear view on how to make the neccesary changes for me to be succesful. Thanks for this million dollar opportunity to become who I really want to be.

This guy is a real success story. He’s life shows how to overcome challenges.

The Business Essentials workshop held on Saturday was an engaging workshop where I gathered fresh ideas, new insights and best practices for my company PRECISION. Jean Jean-Pierre Doran delivered an excellent, dynamic presentation, kept us involved and shared with us all possible tips that he could muster in four hours and that are so essential for any business. Thank you Jean Pierre!

I have been doing business with Jean-Pierre for several years now. Jean-Pierre has been very convincing and professional. His personal approach and great knowledge of the industry make him very succesfull in what he does. Jean-Pierre is a person that can build a strategy and develop ideas into actions. He has been able to listen to our needs. I would recommend doing business with Jean-Pierre.

I have enjoyed working with Jean-Pierre on upcoming ventures on a personal level. His in-depth expertise about value investment was keen and proved to be extremely valuable. His sincere attitude and highly professional approach have proved very successful indeed! I recommend Jean-Pierre to help you get the best out of your business as well.